ORCID ID: 7004434501
ISI Researcher ID: F-2112-2012
Scopus ID: 7004434501
Refereed Articles in Scientific Journals
1. Katz, N., Y. Edan, Y. Sarig, U.M. Peiper. 1988.
Determination of fruit bearing zones and distribution in citrus.
Israel Agresearch 2(1): 69-86 (in Hebrew). Special Publication on Advances in Citrus.
2. Edan, Y., T. Flash, I. Shmulevich, Y. Sarig, U.M. Peiper. 1990.
An algorithm defining the motions of a citrus picking robot.
Journal of Agriculture Engineering Research 46: 259-273. DOI: 10.1016/S0021-8634(05)80131-3
3. Edan, Y., T. Flash, U.M. Peiper, I. Shmulevich, Y. Sarig. 1991.
Near-minimum-time task planning algorithm for fruit-picking robots.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation (1): 48-56. DOI: 10.1109/70.68069
4. Cardenas-Weber, M., R. Stroshine, K. Haghighi, Y. Edan. 1991.
Melon material properties and finite element analysis of compression with application to robot
gripping. Transactions of the ASAE 34(3): 920-929. DOI: 10.13031/2013.31750
5. Edan, Y., K. Haghighi, R. Stroshine, M. Cardenas-Weber. 1992.
Robot gripper analysis: Finite element modeling and optimization.
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 8(4): 563-570. DOI: 10.13031/2013.26105
6. Edan, Y., B.A. Engel, G.E. Miles. 1993.
Intelligent control system simulation of an agricultural robot.
Journal of Intelligent Robotic Systems 8: 267-284. DOI: 10.1007/BF01257998
7. Edan, Y., G.E. Miles. 1993.
Design of an agricultural robot for harvesting melons.
Transactions of the ASAE 36(2): 593-603. DOI: 10.13031/2013.28377
8. Peiper U., Y. Edan, S. Devir, M. Barak, E. Maltz. 1993.
Automatic weighing of dairy cows.
Journal of Agriculture Engineering Research 56(1): 13-24. DOI: 10.1006/jaer.1993.1057
9. Edan, Y., S.Y. Nof. 1995.
Motion economy analysis for robotic kitting tasks.
International Journal of Production Research 33(5): 1213-1227. DOI: 10.1080/00207549508930205
10. Mizrach, A., I. Shmulevich, O. Yekutieli, Y. Edan. 1994.
Evaluation of a laser method for guidance of field machinery.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 10: 135-149. DOI: 10.1016/0168-1699(94)90017-5
11. Edan, Y., G. E. Miles. 1994.
Systems engineering of agricultural robot design.
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 24(8): 1259-1264. DOI: 10.1109/21.299707
12. Grinspan, P, Y. Edan, H.E. Kahn, E. Maltz. 1994.
A fuzzy logic expert system for dairy cow transfer between feeding groups.
Transactions of the ASAE 37(6): 1647-1654. DOI: 10.13031/2013.28252
13. Livshin, N., E. Maltz, Y. Edan. 1995.
Regularity of dairy cows' feeding behaviour with computer-controlled feeding.
Journal of Dairy Science 78: 296-304. DOI: 0.3168/jds.S0022-0302(95)76638-3
14. Edan, Y. 1995.
Design of an autonomous agricultural robot.
The International Journal of Applied Intelligence 5(1): 41-50, Special Issue on Autonomous Systems. Invited paper. DOI: 10.1007/BF00872782
15. Edan, Y. , S.Y. Nof. 1996.
Graphic-based analysis of robot motion economy principles.
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 12(2): 185-193. DI: 10.1016/0736-5845(96)00006-3
16. Schmilovitch, Z. , A. Zaltzman, A. Hoffman, Y. Edan. 1995.
Firmness sensor and system for date sorting.
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 11(4): 555-560. DOI: 10.13031/2013.25776
17. Edan, Y., J.E. Simon. 1997.
Spatial and temporal distribution of ripe Cantaloupe fruit.
HortScience 32(7): 1178-1181. DOI: 10.21273/HORTSCI.32.7.1178
18. Rabinowitz, G., Y. Edan, A. Mehrez. 1996.
CIM laboratory decision and implementation process.
International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 2(2): 1-17.
19. Edan, Y., G.E. Miles, T. Flash, I. Wolf, J. Grinspun, U.M. Peiper. 1996.
The robotic melon harvester.
Service Robot 2(1): 10-15. Invited Paper. 1997 Award for Excellence.
20. Edan, Y., H. Pasternak, I. Shmulevich, D. Rachmani, D. Guedalia, S. Grinberg, E. Fallik. 1997.
Color and firmness classification of tomatoes.
Journal of Food Science 62(4): 793-796. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1997.tb15457.x
21. Edan, Y., V. Livshitz. 1999.
CIM Training and Education - principles and implementation.
International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Applications and Practice 6: 81-91.
22. Halachmi, I., E. Maltz, Y. Edan, J.H.M. Metz, S. Devir. 1997.
The body weight of the dairy cow: modeling individual voluntary food intake based on body weight and milk production.
Livestock Production Science 48(3): 244-246. DOI:10.1016/S0301-6226(97)89413-4
23. Hetzroni, A., Y. Edan, V. Alchantis. 1997.
Imaging techniques for site-specific chemical application.
Special issue on improved pesticide application technology for reducing dosages and environmental pollution. Phytoparasitica 25: 59S-69S. Invited Paper.
24. Edan, Y., L. Friedman, A. Mehrez, L. Slutski. 1998.
A three-dimensional statistical framework performance measurement system of robotic systems.
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 14: 307-315.
DOI: 10.1016/S0736-5845(98)00006-4
25. Halachmi, I. , Y. Edan, E. Maltz, U.M. Peiper, U. Moalem, I. Brukental. 1998.
A real-time control system for individual dairy cow food intake.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 20: 131-144. DOI: 10.1016/S0168-1699(98)00013-1
26. Edan, Y., S.Y. Nof. 2000.
Sensor economy principles and selection procedures.
IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering 32: 195-203. DOI: 10.1023/A:1007638312890
27. Riemer R., Y. Edan. 2000.
Evaluation of influence of target location on robot repeatability.
Robotica 18: 443-449. DOI: 10.1017/S0263574799002337
28. Slutski, L., I. Gurevich , Y. Edan. 2000.
Analysis and enhancement of human-machine interfaces using a joystick controller.
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing 10(2): 161-175.
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1520-6564(200021)10
29. Edan, Y., V. Rogozin, T. Flash, G.E. Miles. 2000.
Robotic Melon Harvesting.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 16(6): 831-834. DOI: 10.1109/70.897793
30. Edan, Y. and N. Pliskin. 2001.
Transfer of software engineering tools from information systems to production systems.
Computers and Industrial Engineering 39(1-2): 19-34. DOI: 10.1016/S0360-8352(00)00062-0
31. Portman, V., L. Slutski, Y. Edan. 2001.
An adaptive locating problem for robotic grasping.
Robotica 19(3): 295-304.
DOI: 10.1017/S0263574700003155
32. Pasternak, H., Y. Edan, Z. Schmilovich. 2001.
Ridge regression for NIR analysis with multicollinearity.
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 69: 761-768.
33. Pasternak, H., Z. Schmilovich, Z., E. Fallik, Y. Edan. 2001.
Overcoming multicollinearity in NIR analysis for Lycopene content estimation in tomatoes using ridge regression.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 1: 60-66. DOI: 10.1520/JTE12392J
34. Rogozin, V., Y. Edan, T. Flash. 2001.
A real-time trajectory modification algorithm.
Robotica 19: 395-405.
DOI: 10.1017/S0263574701003393
35. Morag, I., Y. Edan, E. Maltz. 2001.
An individual feed allocation decision support system for the dairy farm.
Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 79(2): 167-176. DOI: 10.1006/jaer.2000.0687
36. Berman, S., Y. Edan, M. J amshidi. 2002.
Simulation in the development of a control strategy for an Automated Guided Vehicle System. Systems, Modelling and Simulation 42(4): 575-583. Invited Paper. DOI: 10.1080/02329290290031332
37. Laykin, S.. V. Alchanatis, E. Fallik, Y. Edan. 2002.
Image processing algorithms for tomato classification.
Transactions of the ASAE 45(3): 851-858.
38. Berman, S., Y. Edan. 2002.
A decentralized autonomous AGV system for material handling
International Journal of Production Research 40(15): 3995-4006. Invited Paper.
DOI: 10.1080/00207540210146990
39. Berman, S., Y. Edan, M. Jamshidi. 2003.
Decentralized autonomous automatic guided vehicles in material handling.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 19(4): 743-749.
40. Bechar, A., Y. Edan. 2003.
Human-robot collaboration for improved target recognition of agricultural robots.
Industrial Robot 30(5): 432-436. Special Issue on Food Industry and Farming. Invited Paper.
41. Halachmi, I., Y.Edan, U.Moallem, E.Maltz. 2004.
Predicting feed intake of the individual dairy cow.
Journal of Dairy Science 87(7): 2254-2267.
42. Edan, Y., S. Berman, E. Boteach, E. Mendelson. 2004.
Distributed Multi-Robot Assembly/Packaging Algorithms.
AutoSoft Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing Journal 10(2): 151-159.
Special issue on Multi-robots. DOI: 10.1080/10798587.2004.10642888
43. Shayer, G., O. Cohen , E. Korach, Y. Edan. 2005.
An adaptive fuzzy logic procedure for ranking logical sensors.
IEEE Transactions on Sensors 5(1): 59-67. DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2002.1037309
44. Wachs, J., H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2005.
Cluster labeling and parameter estimation for the automated setup of a hand-gesture recognition system.
IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part A: Systems and Humans 35(6): 932-944.1
DOI: 10.1109/TSMCA.2005.851332
45. Cohen,O., Y. Edan, E. Schechtman. 2006.
Statistical evaluation method for comparing grid-map based sensor fusion algorithms.
International Journal of Robotics Research 24(2): 117-133. DOI: 10.1177/0278364906060480
46. Bechar, A., S. Yosef, S. Netanyahu, Y. Edan. 2007.
Improvement of Work Methods in Tomato Greenhouses Using Simulation.
Transactions of the ASAE 50(2): 331-338.
47. Kapach, K., Y. Edan. 2008.
Evaluation of grid-map sensor fusion mapping algorithms. Invited Paper.
IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems 2(2):13-32. (ISSN: 1646-3692 electronic publication available at http://www.iadis.org/ijcsis/).
DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2007.4413893
48. Wachs, J., H. Stern, Y. Edan, C. Feied, M. Smith, M. Gillam., J. Handler. 2008.
A real-time hand gesture interface for a medical image guided system.
International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing 1(3)1:175-185.
49. H. I. Stern, J. P. Wachs, Y. Edan. 2008.
Designing hand gesture vocabularies for natural interaction by combining psycho-physiological and recognition factors. Special Issue on Gesture in Multimodal Systems.
International Journal of Semantic Computing 2(1): 137-160.
DOI: 10.1142/S1793351X08000385
50. Wachs J. P., H. Stern, Y. Edan, M. Gillam, C. Feied, M. Smith, J. Handler. 2008.
A hand gesture sterile tool for browsing MRI images in the OR.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 15(3):321-323.
51. Cohen,O., Y. Edan. 2008.
A new framework for on-line sensor and algorithm selection.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(9): 762-776.
52. Edan, Y., N. Finger, B. Sandler, V. Livshitz. 2008.
Bologna process: total quality management and the need to define the purposes of egineering education.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education 36(3): 193-206.
DOI: 10.7227/IJMEE.36.3.3
53. Berman, S., E. Schechtman, Y. Edan. 2009.
Evaluation of automatic guided vehicle systems.
Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 25(3): 522-528.
DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2008.02.009
54. Shapiro, A., Korkidi, E., Demri, A., Riemer, R., Edan, Y. Ben-Shahar, O. 2009.
Toward Elevated Agrobotics: An Autonomous Field Robot for Spraying and Pollinating Date Palm Trees. Special Issue on Agricultural Robotics,
Journal of Field Robotics 26 (6-7): 572-590.
55. Bechar, A., J. Meyer, Y. Edan. 2009.
An Objective Function to Evaluate Performance of Human-Robot Systems for Target Recognition Tasks.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C 39(6): 611-630.
DOI: 10.1109/TSMCC.2009.2020174
56. Shapiro, A., U. Kartoun, H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2010.
Physical modeling of a plastic bag knot in a robot learning system.
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 7(1): 172-176.
DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2009.2013133
57. Ram, T., Z. Wiesman, I. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2010.
Olive oil content prediction models based on image processing.
Biosystems Engineering 105(2): 221-232. DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2009.10.011
58. Kartoun, U., Stern H., Edan Y. 2010.
Human-robot collaborative reinforcement learning algorithm.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 60(2): 217-239. DOI: 10.1007/s10846-010-9422-y
59. Bernstein, R., O. Ben-Shahar, A. Shapiro, Y. Edan. 2010.
Grape clusters and foliage detection algorithms for autonomous selective vineyard sprayer.
Intelligent Service Robotics 3(4): 233-243. Special Issue on Agricultural Robots.
DOI: 10.1007/s11370-010-0078-z
60. Wachs, J., M. Kölsch, H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2011.
Vision-based hand gesture interfaces: challenges and innovations.
Communications of the ACM 54(2): 60-71. Cover Article. DOI: 10.1145/1897816.1897838
61. Halachmi, I., C.F. Børsting, E. Maltz, Y. Edan, M.R. Weisbjerg. 2011.
Feed intake of Holstein, Danish Red, and Jersey cows in automatic milking systems.
Livestock Science. 138: 56-61. DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2010.12.001
62. Tkach, I., A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2011.
Switching between collaboration levels in a human-robot target recognition system.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C 41(6): 955-967.
DOI: 10.1109/TSMCC.2011.2119480
63. Eliav, A., T. Lavie, Y. Parmet, H. Stern. Y. Edan. 2011.
Mobile Robot Control – Examining Controllers and Interfaces.
Applied Ergonomics 42(6): 820-829.
64. Y. Oren, A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2012.
Performance Analysis of a Human-Robot Collaborative Target Recognition System.
Robotica 30(15): 823-836. DOI: 10.1017/S0263574711001020
65. S. Laykin, V. Alchanatis, Y. Edan. 2012.
On-line multi-stage classifier for agriculture sorting systems.
Pattern Recognition 45(7): 2843-2853. DOI: org/10.1016/j.patcog.2011.12.010
66. K. Kapach, E. Barnea, R. Mairon, Y. Edan, O. Ben-Shahar. 2012.
Computer Vision for Fruit Harvesting Robots - State of the Art and Challenges Ahead.
Int. J. of Computational Vision and Robotics 3(1/2): 4-34. DOI: 10.1504/IJCVR.2012.046419
67. D. Shabtai, K. Arviv, H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2014.
A Combined Robot Selection and Scheduling Problem for Flow-Shops with No-Wait Restrictions.
Omega, The International Journal of Management Science 43 (1): 96–107.
DOI: 10.1016/j.omega.2013.07.001
68. A. Bercovich, Y. Edan, V. Alchanatis, U. Moallem, Y. Parmet, H. Honig,
E. Maltz, A. Antler, I. Halachmi, I. 2013.
Development of an automatic cow body condition scoring using body shape signature and Fourier descriptors.
Journal of Dairy Science 96 (12):8047-59 DOI: 10.3168/jds.2013-6568
69. Bac, C.W., van Henten, E.J., Hemming, J., Edan, Y. 2014.
Harvesting robots for high-value crops: state-of-the-art review and challenges ahead.
Journal of Field Robotics 31(6): 888–911. DOI: 10.1002/rob.21525
70. Doisy, G. , J. Meyer, Y. Edan. 2014
The impact of human-robot interface design on the use of a learning robot system.
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 44(6): 788-795. Q1.
DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2014.2331618
71. Arviv, K., H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2015.
Collaborative Reinforcement Learning for a Two Robot Job Transfer
Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem.
International Journal of Production Research: 1-14.
72. Jevtic, A., G. Doisy, Y. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2015.
Comparison of Interaction Modalities for Mobile Indoor Robot Guidance:
Direct Physical Interaction, Person Following and Pointing Control.
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 45(6): 653 – 663.
DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2015.2461683
73. Berenstein, R., Hočevar, M., Godeša, T., Edan, Y., Ben-Shahar, O. 2015.
Distance-Dependent Multimodal Image Registration for Agriculture Tasks
Sensors 15: 20845-62. DOI:10.3390/s10.3390/s150820845. Q1.
74. Vitzrabin, E., Y. Edan. 2016.
Adaptive thresholding with fusion using a RGBD sensor for red sweet pepper detection.
BioSystems Engineering 146: 45-56. Special Issue: Advances in Robotic Agriculture for Crops. Q1. DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2015.12.002
75. Eizicovits, D., B. van Tuijl, S. Berman, Y. Edan. 2016.
Integration of perception capabilities in gripper design using graspability maps
BioSystems Engineering 146: 98-113. Special Issue: Advances in Robotic Agriculture for Crops. Q1. DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2015.12.016
76. Vitzrabin, E., Y. Edan. 2016.
Changing Task Objectives for Improved Sweet Pepper Detection for Robotic Harvesting.
Robotics Automation Letters 1(1): 575-584.
ICRA, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2016.2523553
77. Spolianski, R., Y. Edan, V. Alchanatis, U. Moallem, Y. Parmet, H. Honig, C, E. Maltz, A. Antler, I. Halachmi. 2016.
Development of automatic body condition scoring using low-cost three dimensional kinect camera.
Journal of Dairy Science 99: 7714-7723. DOI:10.3168/jds.2015-10607.
78. Doisy, G., A. Ronen, Y. Edan. 2017.
Comparison of three different techniques for camera and motion control of a teleoperated robot
Applied Ergonomics 58: 527-534. DOI: 0.1016/j.apergo.2016.05.001. Q1.
79. Adamides, G., C. Katsanos , Y. Parmet, G. Christou, M., Xenos, T. Hadzilacos, Y. Edan. 2017.
HRI usability evaluation of interaction modes for a teleoperated agricultural robotic sprayer.
Applied Ergonomics 62:237-246. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2017.03.008
80. Tkach, I. , Y. Edan, S.Y. Nof. 2017.
Multi-Sensor Task Allocation Framework for Security of Supply Network.
International Journal of Production Research 55(18), 5202-5224.
81. Adamides, G. , C. Katsanos , I. Constantinou, G. Christou, M., Xenos,
T. Hadzilacos, Y. Edan. 2017.
Design and development of a semi-autonomous agricultural vineyard sprayer:
human-robot interaction aspects.
Journal of Field Robotics 34(8): 1407-1426. DOI: 10.1002/rob.21721
82. Bernstein, R. Y. Edan. 2017.
Human-robot collaborative site-specific sprayer.
Journal of Field Robotics 34(8): 1519–1530. DOI: 10.1002/rob.21730
83. Oppenheim, D., Edan, Y., Shani, G. 2017.
Detecting tomato flowers in greenhouses using computer vision.
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 11(1): 104-109.
DOI: org/10.5281/zenodo.1128833
84. Berenstein, R., Y. Edan. 2018.
Automatic Adjustable Spraying Device for Site-Specific Agricultural Application.
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science 15(2): 641-650. DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2017.2656143
85. Roy, S., & Edan, Y. 2017.
Givers & Receivers perceive handover tasks differently:
Implications for Human-Robot collaborative system design.
Journal of Social Robotics. arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.06207.
86. Eizicovits, D., Y. Edan, I. Tabak, S. Levy-Tzedek. 2018.
Robotic gaming prototype for upper limb rehabilitation:
effects of age and embodiment on user preferences and movement.
Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 36(2): 261-274. DOI: 10.3233/RNN-170802.
87. Tirkel, T., S. Bar-Haim, N., Y., N. Khvorostyanov, Y. Edan. 2018.
SIT LESS, A Prototype Home-Based System for Monitoring Older Adults Sedentary Behavior.
Assistive Technologies. DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2018.1493707
88. Tkach. I., A. Jevtić, S. Y. Nof, Y. Edan. 2018.
A Modified Distributed Bees Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Task Allocation.
Sensors. DOI: 10.3390/s18030759
89. Honig, S., Oron-Gilad T., Zaichyk H., Fleischmann-Serna V., Olatunji S., Edan Y. 2018.
Towards Socially Aware Person-Following Robots.
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TCDS.2018.2825641
90. Feingold-Polak R., Elishay A., Shahar Y., Stein M., Edan Y., Levy-Tzedek S. 2018.
Differences between young and old users when interacting with a humanoid robot:
a qualitative usability study.
Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics. DOI: 10.1145/3173386.3177046
91. Kurtser, P. , Edan, Y. 2018.
Statistical models for fruit detectability: spatial and temporal analyses of sweet peppers.
Biosystems Engineering 171: 272-289. DOI: 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2018.04.017
92. Korol G.S., A. Karniel, I. Melzer, A. Ronen, Y. Edan, H. Stern, R. Riemer. 2017.
Relation between perceived effort and the electromyographic signal in
localized effort activities of forearm muscles.
Journal of Ergonomics S6: 2-10. DOI: 10.4172/2165-7556.1000.S6-004.
93. Arad, B., P. Kurtser, E. Barnea, B. Harel, Y. Edan, O. Ben-Shahar. 2019.
Controlled lighting and illumination-independent target detection for real-time
cost-efficient applications. The case study of sweet pepper robotic harvesting.
Sensors 19(6): 1390. DOI: doi.org/10.3390/s19061390
94. Zemmour, E., P. Kurtser, Y. Edan. 2019.
Automatic parameter tuning for adaptive thresholding in fruit detection.
Sensors 19(9): 2130. DOI: doi.org/10.3390/s19092130
95. Ringdahl, O., Kurtser, P., Edan, Y. 2019.
Evaluation of approach strategies for harvesting robots: Case study of sweet pepper harvesting.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications.
DOI: 10.1007/s10846-018-0892-7
96. Olatunji, S., Oron-Gilad, T., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Edan, Y. 2020.
User-Centered Feedback Design in Person-following Robots for Older Adults.
Palaydn, Journal of Behavioural Robotics 11(1): 86-103.
(extended paper from MobRobAE workshop at IEEE ICRA 2019).
DOI: org/10.1515/pjbr-2020-0007
97. Arad, B. , J. Balendonck, R. Barth, O. Ben-Shahar, Y. Edan, T. Hellstrom, J. Hemming,
P. Kurtser, O. Ringdahl, T. Tielen, B. van Tuijl. 2020.
Development of a Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot.
Journal of Field Robotics. DOI: org/10.1002/rob.21937
98. Van Herck, L., P. Kurtser, L. Wittemans, Y. Edan. 2020.
Systems engineering of crop design for improved robotic harvesting.
BioSystems Engineering 192:294-308. DOI: org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2020.01.021
99. Bezen, R., Halachmi, I. Edan, Y. 2020.
Computer vision system for measuring individual cow intake using RGB-D camera and deep learning algorithms.
Computer and Electronics in Agriculture 172: 105345.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2020.105345
100. Harel, B., Y. Parmet, Y. Edan, 2020.
Maturity classification of sweet peppers using image datasets acquired in different times.
Computers in Industry 121, 103274.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2020.103274
101. Kurster, P. Y. Edan. 2020.
Planning the sequence of tasks for harvesting robots.
Robots and Autonomous Systems 103591.
DOI: 10.1016/j.robot.2020.103591
102. Harel,B., R. van Essen, Y. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2020.
Viewpoint analysis for maturity classification of sweet peppers.
Sensors. DOI: 10.3390/s20133783
103. Kurtser, P., O. Ringdahl, N, Rotstein, R. Berenstein, Y. Edan. 2020.
In-field grape cluster size assessment for vine yield estimation using a mobile robot and a consumer level RGB-D camera.
IEEE Intl. Conference on Robotics & Automation, ICRA and
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5(2): 2031-2038.
104. Kalantar, A., Y. Edan, A. Gur, I. Klapp. 2020.
A deep learning system for yield estimation of melons using UAV images.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 178: 105748
DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2020.105748
105. Avioz-Sarig, O., Olatunji, S., V. Sarne-Fleishmann, Y. Edan. 2020.
Robotic system for physical training of older adults.
International Journal of Social Robotics 1-16.
DOI: 10.1007/s12369-020-00697-y
106. Nimrod, Galit, and Yael Edan. Technology Domestication in Later Life.
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction (2021): 1-12.
DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2021.1938395
107. Krakovski, M., S. Kumar, S. Givati, M. Bardea, O. Zafrani, G. Nimrod, S. Bar-Haim, Y. Edan. 2021.
“Gymmy”: Designing and Testing a Robot for Physical and Cognitive Training of Older Adults.
Applied Sciences 11.14 (2021): 6431
DOI: 10.3390/app11146431
108. Olatunji, S., Oron-Gilad, T., Markfeld, N., Gutman, D., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Edan, Y. 2021.
Levels of automation and transparency: interaction design considerations in socially assistive robots for older adults. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 51(6): 673-683.
DOI: 10.1109/THMS.2021.3107516
109. Gutman, D., S. Olatunji, Y. Edan. 2021.
Evaluating levels of automation in human-robot collaboration at different workload levels.
Applied Science 11: 7340. DOI: 10.3390/app11167340
110. Hitelman, A., Edan, Y., Godo, A., Berenstein, R., Lepar, J., Halachmi, I. 2022.
The effect of age on young sheep biometric identification. Animal 16(2): 100452.
DOI: 10.1016/j.animal.2021.100452
111. Hitelman, A. , Edan, Y., Godo, A., Berenstein, R., Lepar, J., Halachmi, I. 2022.
Biometric identification of sheep via a machine-vision system. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. Accepted.
112. Saar, M. , Edan, Y., Godo, A., Lepar, J., Parmet, Y., Halachmi, I. 2022.
A machine vision system to predict individual cow feed intake of different feeds in a cowshed. Animal 16(1): 100432. DOI: 10.1016/j.animal.2021.100432
113. Olatunji, S., Potenza, A., Kiselev, A., Oron-Gilad, T., Loutfi, A., Edan, Y. 2022.
Levels of Automation for a Mobile Robot Teleoperated by a Caregiver.
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction. arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.09992. DOI: 10.1145/3507471
Chapters in Books
Edan, Y., B. Engel, G.E. Miles and U.M. Peiper. 1990. Intelligent control of a robotic melon harvester. Revue Automatique Productique Appliquees 3(3), 1990: 37-53. Editor: Hermes, France.
Maltz, E., P. Grinspan, Y. Edan, A. Antler, O. Kroll and S.L. Spahr. 1992. Expert system for cow transfer between feeding groups: Potential applications for automatic self feeding and milking. Prospects for Automatic Milking. Eds: A.H. Ipema, A.C. Lippus, J.H.M. Metz and W. Rossing. Pudoc Scientific Publishers. Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Dobrusin, Y., Y. Edan, J. Grinspun, U.M. Peiper, I. Wolf, A. Hetzroni. 1993. Computer image analysis to locate targets for an agricultural robot. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Lecture notes in Computer Science 719: 775-779. Eds: D. Chetverikov, W.G. Kropatsch. Springer Verlag, New York.
Edan, Y. 1995. Postharvest technologies. Summary of lectures on postharvest science and its applications for export. The Chinese-Israel International Center for Training in Agriculture (CIICTA), Beijing, China.
Edan, Y. 1999. Invited. Food and Agricultural Robots. In: The Handbook of Industrial Robotics: 1143-1155, 2nd Edition. Editor: S.Y. Nof, John Wiley and Sons
Edan, Y. 1998. Sensors. In: Industrial Engineering Applications and Practice: Users' Encyclopedia. Editor: A. Mital. International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Applications and Practice.
Edan, Y. 1998. Measurement and Control Systems. In: Industrial Engineering Applications and Practice: Users' Encyclopedia. Editor: A. Mital. International Journal of Industrial Engineering - Applications and Practice.
Cohen, O., E. Korach, Y. Edan. 2002. An adaptive fuzzy logic algorithm for measuring and improving autonomous mobile robot sensory performance. In: Advances in Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Systems, Evolutionary Computation. Artificial Intelligence Series, WSEAS Press. Editors: A. Grmela, N.E. Mastorakis.
Kartoun U., Stern H., Edan Y. 2006. Bag Classification Using Support Vector Machines. In: Applied Soft Computing Technologies: The Challenge of Complexity Series: Advances in Soft Computing - Proceedings of the 9th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC9). Abraham, A.; Baets, B.d.; Köppen, M.; Nickolay, B. (Eds.). 2006, XXXIII, 840 p. 324 illus., Softcover, ISBN: 3-540-31649-3.
Wachs, J., H. Stern, Y. Edan, M. Gillam, C. Feied, M. Smith, J. Handler. 2006. A real-time hand gesture interface for medical visualization applications. Applications of Soft Computing, Recent trends vol. 36: 153-162. Springer Elsevier. A. Tiwari, J. Knowles, E. Avineri, K. Dahal, R. Roy (Eds.). Reviewed paper 10th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC10, September 2005).
Wachs, J., H. Stern, Y. Edan, M. Gillam, C. Feied, M. Smith, J. Handler. 2007. Gestix: a doctor-computer sterile gesture interface for dynamic environments. Advances in Soft Computing 29, Soft Computing in Industrial Applications: Recent and Emerging Methods and Techniques: 30-39. Springer-Verlag, NY. Editors: A. Saad, E. Avineri, K. Daha, M. Sarfraz, R. Roy. Reviewed paper 11th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, WSC11, November 2006. (30 papers out of 63 submitted were accepted to conference).
Edan, Y., N. Kondo, H. Shufeng. 2009. Automation in Agriculture. Chapter 63 pp. 1092-1128. In: Handbook of Automation. Springer Verlag. Editor: S.Y. Nof.
Berman, S., Y. Edan. 2010. intelligent automatic guided vehicles, Chapter 1: 1-17. In: Intelligent Industrial Systems: Modeling, Automation and Adaptive Behaviour. IGI-Global, USA. Editor: G.G. Rigatos.
Edan, Y. . Z. Schmilovitch, V. Alchanati. 2010. Introduction to Mechatronics, Teaching tutor/complementary readings to Mechatronics: a multidisciplinary approach by W. Bolton. Open University (in Hebrew). March 2010.
Maltz, E., N. Medini®, A. Bercovitch, Y. Parmet, I. Halachmi, A. Antler, Y. Edan. 2011. Predicting calving time of dairy cows by behaviour sensor. In: Precision Livestock Farming ’11, Edited by: C. Lokhorst and D. Berckmans. Papers presented at the 5th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming. Prague, Czech Republic, 11-14 July ’11. pp 464-475.
Doisy, G., Meyer, J., Edan, Y. 2011. Toward an ecological approach to interface design for teaching robots. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, Proceedings of the 12th Annual TAROS Conference: 420-421, Sheffield, UK August September 2011. Edited by: R. Grob, L. Alboul, C. Elhuish, M. Witkowisk, T.J. Prescott, J. Penders. Springer.
Elkoby, Z., van Ooster, B., Edan, Y. 2014. Simulation Analysis of Sweet Pepper Harvesting Operations, Advances in Production Management Systems Conference, APMS 2014 conference, Sept 21-24, Corsica, France. B. Grabot et al. (Eds.): APMS 2014, Part III, IFIP AICT 440, pp. 441--448. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.
Edan, Y. 2018. Advances in human-robot collaboration in agricultural robots. Robotics and automation for improving agriculture (ed. Prof John Billingsley).
Olatunji, S., Markfeld, N., Gutman, D., Givati, S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Oron-Gilad, T., Edan, Y. 2019. Improving the Interaction of Older Adults with a Socially Assistive Table Setting Robot. The Eleventh Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2019). Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI).
Markfeld, N., Olatunji, S., & Edan, Y. 2021. Evaluating Feedback Modalities in a Mobile Robot for Telecare. In Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (pp. 136-146). Springer, Cham.
Other Reviewed Publications
Slutski, L., Y. Edan. 1995. Universal robot grippers applying high-class mechanisms. Proc. of the 9th World Congress on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Milan, Italy, Sept. 1995, Vol. 3: 2267-2271.
Slutski, L., I. Gurevich, Y. Edan. 1997. Analysis and design of telerobot control based on human motor behaviour study. IEEE 1997 Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Automation: 1016-1021.
Slutski, L., V. Portman, Y. Edan. 1997. Robotic grippers with adaptive locating: structural and kinematic approach. Intl. Robots and Vision Conf., Detroit, Michigan May 12-15.
Edan, Y., A. Bechar. 1998. Multi-purpose agricultural robot. Proceedings of the 6th IASTED (The Intl. Association of Science and Technology for Development) Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Manufacturing, July 26-29, Banff, Canada: 205-212.
Slutski, L., Y. Edan, L. Friedman. 1998. Remote control means study for telerobotic operations. Proc. of the 1998 IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent and Robot Systems, Victoria BC, Canada: 1609-1614.
Riemer, R., Y. Edan. 1999. A model for evaluation of robot repeatability. Machines and Industry 60: 71-74 (in Hebrew).
Berman, S., M.A. de Olieveirat, Y. Edan, M. Jamshidi. 1999. Hierarchical fuzzy behavior-based control of a multi-agent robotic system. Proc. of the 7th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation (MED99), June 28-30, Haifa: 2024-2032.
Berman, S., Y. Edan, M. Jamshidi A Foraging Group Of Autonomous, Mobile Robots – Implementation Of Hierarchical Fuzzy Behavior-Based Control. The 21st IEEE Convention of the Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, Tel-Aviv, Israel, April, 2000
Cohen, O., E. Schechtman, Y. Edan, 2000. Sensor fusion quality evaluation tools for autonomous vehicles. Proc. of the IASTED Conf., Robotics and Automation, August 14-16, Honolulu, Hawaii: 192-196.
Berman, S., Y. Edan, M. Jamshidi. 2000. Multi-agent strategy for automated guided vehicle systems in material handling. World Automation Congress. Third Intl. Symposium on Soft Computing for Industry, Maui, Hawaii.
Alchanatis, V., A. Hetzroni, Y. Edan. 2001. A multispectral imaging sensor for site-specific application of chemicals. ActaHorticulturae 562: 119-128.
Grinshpun, J., Y. Edan, A. Hetrzoni. 2001. Development of on-line measurement methods for field implementation of gas sensors for ripeness determination. ActaHorticulturae 562: 157-166.
Pasternak, H., Z. Schmilovitch, E. Fallik, Y. Edan. Ridge regression for NIR analysis with multicollinearity. ActaHorticulturae 562: 265-268.
Cohen, O., Y. Edan. 2001. Adaptive sensor fusion framework for autonomous vehicles. Proc. of the IASTED Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, September 4-6, Marbella, Spain: 282-286.
Mendelson, E., O. Nayer, S. Berman, Y. Edan. 2002. Behavior-Based Control of Multi-Robot Assembly/Palletizing Systems. Proc. of the Fifth Biannual World Automation Congress (WAC2002): 1- 6, Orlando, USA, June, 2002.
Shayer, G. , O. Cohen, Y. Edan, E. Korach. 2002. An adaptive fuzzy logic procedure for ranking logical sensory performance. Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Sensors, 1985. pp 1317-1323.
Wachs, J., U. Kartoun, H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2002. Real-time hand gesture telerobotic system using fuzzy c-means clustering. World Automation Congress, Third Intl. Forum on Multimedia and Image Processing, WAC 2002. Orlando, Florida, June 9-13, vol. 13: 403-409.
Cohen, O., G. Shayer, Y. Edan. 2003. Behavior analysis of grid-map based sensor fusion algorithms. IASTED Intl. Conf. Robotics and Applications, June 25-27, 2003 Salzburg, Austria.
Granit, Z., Cohen O., Y. Edan. 2003. Ultrasonic local mapping algorithms evaluation. The 11th Intl. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, IEEE, June 30 - July 3, 2003
University of Coimbra, PortugalWachs, J., H. Stern, Y. Edan, 2003. Parameter search for an image processing fuzzy C-means hand gesture recognition system. ICIP 2003, Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Image Processing, ICIP 2003 Vol. 3, pp. 341-345, Sept. 14-17, Barcelona, Spain.
Laykin, S., V. Alchanatis, Y. Edan. 2003. On-line Hierarchical Classifier for Agricultural Sorting Systems. Paper Code 3044. ISCA 12th Intl. Conf. on Intelligent and Adaptive Systems and Software Engineering (IASSE-2003), July 2003, San Francisco, USA.
Cohen, O., Y. Edan. 2004. Adaptive fuzzy logic algorithm for grid-map based sensor fusion. Proc. of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV2004), June 2004, Parma, Italy.
E. Mendelson, S. Berman, Y. Edan. 2004. Evaluating the influence of planning horizons on the performance of multi-robot systems. Proc. of the World Automation Conf. June 28 - July 1 2004, Seville (Spain).
H. Stern, J. Wachs, Y. Edan. 2004. Parameter Calibration for Reconfiguration of A Hand Gesture Tele-Robotic Control System. Proc. of the U.S.A.-Japan Symposium on Flexible Automation, July 19-21, 2004. Denver, Colorado. UL-077.
S. Laykin, Y. Edan, V. Alchanatis. 2004. On-line feature and classifier selection for agricultural produce. Paper Code 451-151, Proc. of the 8th IASTED Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, September 1 – 3, 2004, Marbella, Spain.
Bechar, A. Y. Edan. J. Meyer. 2004. Objective Function for Performance Measurement of Human-Robot Target Recognition Systems in Unstructured Environments. Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Hague, The Netherlands: 118-123.
Stern, H., J. Wachs, Y. Edan. 2004. Hand Gesture Command Vocabulary Design -A Multicriteria Optimization. Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Hague, The Netherlands: 19-23.
Cohen, O.,Y. Edan, E. Korach. 2004. Transition matrix methodology for evaluating sensor fusion mapping algorithms. Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Hague, The Netherlands: 3869-3874.
Cohen, O., Y. Edan. 2004. Adaptive fuzzy logic algorithms for sensor fusion mapping. Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Hague, The Netherlands: 2327-2331.
Cohen, O., Y. Edan. 2005. A sensor fusion framework for on-line sensor and algorithm selection. Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2005, April 18-22, Barcelona, Spain: 3166-3172.
Stern, H., J. Wachs, Y. Edan. 2006. Optimal Hand Gesture Vocabulary Design Using Psycho-Physiological and Technical Factors. 7th Intl. Conf. Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Southampton, UK, April 10-12, 2006.
Berman, S., E. Mendelson, Y. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2006. Evaluating the influence of planning horizons on the manufacturing lead time of parts in multi-robot workcells. IERC 2006 Conf. Proc., Paper Number 1784.
Shneor, R., Y. Edan, E. Paz, N. Naor, S. Berman. 2006. Fuzzy dispatching of automated guided vehicles. IERC 2006 Conf. Proc., Paper Number 1785.
Kartoun U., Stern H., Edan Y., Feied C., Handler J., Smith M. and Gillam M. 2006. Vision-Based Autonomous Robot Self-Docking and Recharging. ISORA 2006 11th Intl. Symposium on Robotics and Applications (Robotics Track) at World Automation Congress (WAC 2006). July 24-27, Budapest, Hungary.
Wachs, J., H. Stern, Y. Edan, C. Feied, M. Smith, M. Gillam., J. Handler. 2006. A real-time hand gesture system based on evolutionary search. Vision 22(3). Oct. 2006. Dearborn, Michigan, Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
Kartoun U., Stern H., Y. Edan, 2006. Human-Robot Collaborative Learning System for Inspection. Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: 4249-4255. Oct. 8-11, Taipei, Taiwan. Finalist (five papers) for Best Student Paper Competition.
Bechar, A., Meyer, J., Y. Edan. 2006. Optimal Collaboration in Human-Robot Target Recognition Systems. Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 8-11, Taipei, Taiwan.
Stern, H., Wachs, J., Y, Edan. 2006. Human factors for design of hand gesture human-machine interaction. Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: 4052-4056. Oct. 8-11, Taipei, Taiwan.
K. Kapach, Y. Edan. 2007. Adaptive weighted average sensor fusion algorithms for mobile robots. IADIS Intl. Conf. Intelligent Systems and Agents: 43-50. Lisbon, July 2007.
K. Kapach, Y. Edan. 2007. Evaluation of grid-map sensor fusion mapping algorithms. Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 7-10, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
A. Bechar, J. Meyer, Y. Edan. 2007. An Objective Function to Evaluate Performance of Human-Robot Systems for Target Recognition Tasks. Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Oct. 7-10, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. IEEE SMC Paper No. 710.
Y. Oren, A. Bechar, J. Meyer, Y. Edan. 2008. Performance analysis of human-robot collaboration in target recognition tasks. Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Distributed Human-Machine Systems: 51-56. Athens, Greece.
Gil A, Stern H, Edan Y., Kartoun U., A Scheduling Reinforcement Learning Algorithm, Proc. of the ASME Intl. Symposium on Flexible Automation, Paper No. U120, June 23-26, 2008, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2008.
Ivri-Blum, H., A. Ronen, Y. Edan. 2008. Evaluation of robot control interfaces. Proc. of the ASME 2008 Intl. Symposium on Flexible Automation, Paper No. JL043, June 23-26, 2008, Atlanta, GA.
H. Stern, J. Wachs, Y. Edan. 2008. Optimal Consensus Intuitive Hand Gesture Vocabulary Design. Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conf. on Semantic Computing, 2008. pp. 96-103.
I. Tkach, Y. Edan, A. Bechar. 2009. Algorithms for dynamic switching of collaborative human-robot system in target recognition tasks. Proceedings of INCOM 2009, the
13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in
Manufacturing, Institute of Control of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Moscow, June 3-5, 2009. Best paper award.A. Gil, S. Berman, H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2009. Adaptive task sequencing for a flexible manufacturing system. Intl. Conf. on Production Research, China, July 2009.
K. Arviv, H. Stern and Y. Edan. 2009. Flow-Shop Problem with Job Transfer Robots Using Reinforcement Learning. Intl. Conf. on Production Research, China, July 2009.
S. Berman, T. Godo, Z. Har-Zahav®, Y. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2009. Evaluating planning horizon influence in flexible manufacturing systems. Intl. Conf. on Production Research, China, July 2009.
D. Yashpe, A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2009. Influence of human reaction time on performance of human-robot target recognition systems. Intl. Conf. on Production Research, China, July 2009.
Wachs, J., H. Stern, Y. Edan, M. Gillam, C. Feied, M. Smith, and J. Handler. 2009. A novel hand gesture-based image browsing system for the operating room. Hospital IT Europe 2(1): 43-45.
Moskowitz, Y., A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2010. Development of a hand held computer for work process measurement in agriculture. Nir VeTelem 21: 35-40, February 2010 (in Hebrew).
Sobol-Shikler, T., Y. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2010. Quantity or quality – predictability and experience: a case study in human-robot interaction. Proc. of the 2010 IEEE Intl. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, ROMAN 2010, Viareggio, Italy, September 12-15.
S. Sarid, A. Shapiro, E. Rimon, Y. Edan. 2011. Classifying the heterogeneous multi robot online search problem into quadratic time competitive complexity class. Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2011, May 9-13, 2011, Shanghai, China.
H. Stern, K. Arviv, Y. Edan. 2011. Flow-shop robotic scheduling with collaborative reinforcement learning. 21st International Conference on Production Research, July 31 - August 4, 2011, Stuttgart, Germany.
I. Tkach, Y. Edan, S. Y. Nof. 2011. A framework for automatic multi-agents collaboration in target recognition tasks. 21st International Conference on Production Research, July 31 - August 4, 2011, Stuttgart, Germany.
R. Someshwar, J. Meyer, Y. Edan. 2012. Models and Methods for H-R Synchronization. Paper No. 250, INCOM 2012, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, May 23-25, Bucharest, Romania.
I. Tkach, Y. Edan, S. Y. Nof. 2012. Security of Supply Chains by Automatic Multi-Agents Collaboration. Paper No. 224, INCOM 2012, 14th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, May 23-25, Bucharest, Romania.
Bodiroža, S., Stern, H. I., Edan, Y. 2012. Dynamic Gesture Vocabulary Design for Intuitive Human-Robot Dialog, in Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, pp.111-112, Boston, USA, 2012. HRI’12, March 5–8, 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
I. Tkach, Y. Edan, A. Jevtic, S. Y. Nof. 2013. Fault tolerant task allocation in a multi-sensor supply chain monitoring system. 22nd International Conference on Production Research, July 31 - August 4, 2013, Iguassu, Brazil.
E.J. van Henten, C.W. Bac, J. Hemming, Y. Edan. 2013. Robotics in protected cultivation. AgriControl, Proceeding of the 4th IFAC Conference on Modelling and Control in Agriculture, Horticulture and Post Harvest Industry: 170-187. August 27-30, 2013. Espoo, Finland.
K. Arviv, H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2013. Collaborative Reinforcement Learning for a Two Robot Job Transfer Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem. Proc. of the IEEE Intl. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Manchester, UK.
Doisy, G., Meyer, J, Edan, Y. 2013. Interface Design for Learning Robots, 4th Israeli Conference on Robotics, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Doisy, G., Jevtić, A., Bodiroža, S., Edan, Y. 2013. Spatially Unconstrained Natural Interface for Controlling a Mobile Robot, 4th Israeli Conference on Robotics, Tel Aviv, Israel
Doisy, G., Jevtić, A., Lucet, E., Edan, Y. 2012. Adaptive Person-Following Algorithm Based on Depth Images and Mapping, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Robot Motion Planning: Online, Reactive, and in Real-time, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012), Vilamoura, Portugal.
Doisy, G., Meyer, J., Edan, Y. 2011. Toward an ecological approach to interface design for teaching robots. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, 420-421.
Bontsema, J., Hemming, J., Pekkeriet, E., Saeys, W., Edan, Y. E., Shapiro, A., Hacover M., Hellström T., & Ringdahl, O. (2014). CROPS: high tech agricultural robots. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2014.
Jevtic, A., Doisy, G., Bodiroza, S., Edan, Y., Hafner, V. V. 2014. Human-Robot Interaction through 3D Vision and Force Control. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot Interaction.
Korol G, Karniel A, Melzer I, Ronen A, Edan Y, Stern H, Riemer R. Relation between perceived effort and the electromyographic signal in localized low-effort activities. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 2014 Sep (Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 1077-1081). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Sayfeld, L., Peretz, Y., Someshwar, R., Edan, Y. 2015. Evaluation of Human-Robot Collaboration Models for Fluent Operations in Industrial Tasks. Human - Robot Handover, planning, control, social signals workshop, Robotics Science and Systems Conference, RSS 2015, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, July 13-17, 2015.
Honig S., Katz S D., Oron-Gilad T., Edan Y. 2016. The Influence of Following Angle on Performance Metrics of a Human-Following Robot. Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).
Eizicovits, D., Y. Edan, I.Tabak, S. Levy-Tzedek. 2016. 3D Human - Robot Gaming System for Upper Limb Rehabilitation. Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).
Feingold, R., Polak, A. Elishay, Y Shahar, M. Stein, Y. Edan, S. Levy-Tzedek. 2018. Differences between Young and Old Users when Interacting with a Humanoid Robot: A Qualitative Usability Study. In HRI’18 Companion: Conference on ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, March 5-8, 2018, Chicago, IL, USA. ACM, NY, NY, USA, 2 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3173386.3177046
Honig S., Oron-Gilad T., 2017. Multimodal communication for guiding a person following robot. Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man). 2017, 1018-1023. August 28-Sept. 1, 2017.
Olatunji S., Fleischmann-Serna, V., Honig S., Zaichyk H., Markovich, T., Oron-Gilad T., Edan Y. 2018. User preferences for socially acceptable person-following robots: environmental influence case studies. Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment - From Personal Mobility Aids to rehabilitation-Oriented Robotics. A Workshop in conjunction with the 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Madrid, Spain.
Olatunji, S., T. Oron-Gilad, Y. Edan, 2018. Increasing the Understanding between a Dining Table Robot Assistant and the User. International Ph.D. Conference On Safe and Social Robotics (SSR-2018), Madrid, Spain.
Barth, R., Baur, J., Buschmann, T., Edan, Y., Hellström, T., Nguyen, T., ... & Vitzrabin, R. (2014). Using ROS for agricultural robotics-design considerations and experiences. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Robotics and associated High-technologies and equipment for agriculture and forestry (pp. 509-518).
Ringdahl, O., Kurster, P., Edan, Y. 2019. Performance of RGB-D camera for different object types in greenhouse conditions, European Conference on Mobile Robotics, ECMR 2019 pp 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/ECMR.2019.8870935
Olatunji, S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Honig, S., Oron-Gilad, T., Edan, Y. 2019. Feedback design to improve interaction of older adults in person-following robots. MobRobAE workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automaton, ICRA 2019.
Bezen, R., I., Halachmi, Y. Edan. 2019. Predicting individual cow intake using RGBD camera and deep learning algorithm. European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming (ECPFL 2019), Cork, Ireland.
Kalantar, A., I. Klapp., Y. Edan. 2019. Estimating Melon Yield for Breeding Process by machine vision processing of UAV images. European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA 2019), Pages 381-387, Montpelier, France. Precision Agriculture’19 (pp. 1386-1393). Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Sandovsky, T., Y. Edan, S. Gad, A. Etzioni, T. Nacson, V. Alchanatis. 2019. Early detection of Fusarium infection in corn using spectral analysis. European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA 2019), Pages 339-346. Montpelier, France. Precision Agriculture’19 (pp. 366-78). Wageningen Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-888-9_42
Gad, S., Y. Edan, Sandovsky, I. Harary T. Nacson , V. Alchanatis.. 2019. Early detection of maize and sunflower stress induced by chemicals’ spraying. European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA 2019), Pages 279-285, Montpelier, France. Precision Agriculture’19 (pp. 332-341). Wageningen Academic Publishers. https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-888-9_34
Olatunji, S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Honig, S., Oron-Gilad, T., Edan, Y. 2019. Feedback design to improve interaction of older adults in person-following robots. MobRobAE workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automaton, ICRA 2019.
Olatunji, S., Markfeld, N., Gutman, D., Givati, S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Oron-Gilad, T., Edan, Y. 2019. Improving the Interaction of Older Adults with a Socially Assistive Table Setting Robot. Proceedings of the The Eleventh Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2019). Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI).
Markfeld, N., Olatunji, S., Gutman, D., Givati, S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Edan, Y. 2019. Feedback modalities for a table setting robot assistant for elder care. QISAR Workshop at International Conference on Social Robotics, ICSR 2019.
Kumar, S., Itzhak, E., Olatunji, S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Tractinsky, N., Nimrod, G., Edan, Y. Exploratory evaluation of politeness in human-robot interaction. QISAR Workshop at International Conference on Social Robotics, ICSR 2019.
Articles in Conference Proceedings (included lecture/presentation)
Peiper, U.M., E. Maltz, Y. Edan, M. Babazada, H. Schon and R. Artmann. 1987. Routine automatic body weight measurements for the use of husbandry decisions. Proceedings of Third Symposium Automation in Dairying, The Netherlands, Sept 9-11.
Edan, Y., T. Flash, I. Shmulevich, Y. Sarig, U.M. Peiper. 1988. Determination of an algorithm defining the motions of a citrus picking robot. Paper No. 88-052, AGEN 88, Paris, France.
Edan, Y. and G.E. Miles. 1989. Animated, visual simulation of robotic melon harvesting. ASAE Paper No. 89-7612, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Cardenas-Weber, M., R. Stroshine, K. Haghighi and Y. Edan. 1989. Finite element analysis of melons handled by different robot gripper designs. ASAE Paper No. 89-1602, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Edan, Y., K. Haghighi, R. Stroshine and M. Cardenas-Weber. 1989. Finite element analysis and optimization of a robot gripper design. ASAE Paper No. 89-7537, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Wolf, I., J. Bar-Or, Y. Edan and U.M. Peiper. 1990. Developing grippers for a melon harvesting robot. ASAE Paper No. 90-7504, ASAE, St. Joseph.
Edan, Y., B. Engel, G.E. Miles and U.M. Peiper. 1991. Intelligent control of a robotic melon harvester. Second France Israel Symposium on Robotics: 6.33-6.47.
Benady, M., Y. Edan, A. Hetzroni and G.E. Miles. 1991. Design of a field crops robotic machine. ASAE Paper No. 91-7028, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.
Edan, Y. and G.E. Miles. 1991. Design of an agricultural robot for harvesting melons. ASAE Paper No. 91-7029, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Dobrusin, Y., Y. Edan. 1992. Computer vision for robotic melon harvesting. 9th Israeli Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision: 63-72.
Dobrusin, Y., Y. Edan, J. Grinspun and U.M. Peiper. 1992. Real-time image processing for robotic melon harvesting. ASAE Paper No. 92-3515.
Edan, Y., P. Grinspan and E. Maltz. 1992. Fuzzy logic for decision making in the dairy farm. ASAE Paper No. 92-3600, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085. 1st session on Fuzzy Logic in Agriculture.
Edan, Y., M. Benady and G.E. Miles 1992. Economic analysis of robotic melon harvesting. ASAE Paper No. 92-1512, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Schmilovitch, Z., A. Zaltzman, A. Hoffman and Y. Edan. 1993. Firmness sensor and system for date sorting. ASAE Paper No. 93-6027, ASAE, St.
Edan, Y., Shmulevich, I., D. Rachmani , E. Fallik, S. Grinberg. 1994. A neural network system for quality grading of tomatoes based on mechanical properties. Proceedings of The III Intl. Food Processing Automation Conference, Orlando, Florida: 346-355.
Livshin, N., E. Maltz, Y. Edan. 1994. Regulating dairy cows' visits to self feeders by changing the feeding routine. 3rd Intl. Dairy Housing Conf.: Dairy Systems for the 21st century, Orlando, Florida.
Edan, Y., I. Wolf, J. Grinspun, D. Rogozin, Y. Dobrusin. 1994. Robotic melon harvesting - prototype and field tests. ASAE Paper No. 94-3073, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Edan, Y., Geudali, D., I. Shmulevich, D. Rachmani, E. Fallik, S. Grinberg. 1994. Multi-sensor quality classification of agricultural products. ASAE Paper No. 94-6032, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Guedalia, D., Y. Edan. 1994. A dynamic artificial neural network for efficient coding of multi-sensor information. ASAE Paper No. 94-3073, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Edan, Y. 1994. Image processing for quality control. French-Israel Agricultural Information Technology and Engineering Workshop. Paris, France.
Rachmani, D., I. Schmulevich, Y. Edan. 1994. Quality grading of tomatoes using a neural network system. 1994 AGEN Intl. Meeting. Report No. 94-G-064.
Guedalia, D., Y. Edan. 1995. Multi-sensor quality classification of fruit: incremental learning. ASAE Paper No. 95-3605, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Guedalia, D., Y. Edan. 1995. A new method for on-line clustering of sparse data. ASAE Paper No. 95-3606, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Edan, Y., E. Maltz, H. Kahn, I. Halachmi®. 1995. Intelligent decision making in the dairy farm. 14th European Conference on Operation Research: OR: Towards Intelligent Decision support.
Edan, Y., S.Y. Nof. 1995. Sensor selection procedures and economy principles. The 13th International Conference on Production Research: 324-326.
Morag I., Edan Y., Maltz E., (1996). Principles of Computer Program to Allocate Concentrated Foods by Computer Controlled Feeders, The 8th Conference on Bovine Sciences in Dairy Farms, Zichron Ya’acov, Israel.
Slutski, L., Y. Edan. 1996. Analysis and graphic simulation of adaptive robot grippers. The 26th Israeli Conf. on Mechanical Engineering, May 21-22, Haifa, Israel.
Bar, A., Y. Edan, Y. Alper. 1996. Robotic Transplanting: adaption and simulation. ASAE Paper No. 96-3008, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Edan, Y., L. Friedman, A. Mehrez, L. Slutski. 1996. An evaluation procedure for performance measurement of robotic systems. The 1st Intl. Conf. on Industrial Eng. Applications and Practice: 696-701. Dec. 4-7, Houston, Texas.
Edan, Y., E. Maltz, I. Morag. 1996. Decision support systems for the dairy farm. The 1st Intl. Conf. on Industrial Eng. Applications and Practice: 185-190. Dec. 4-7, Houston, Texas.
Haralson, A., G.E. Miles, O.K. Ersoy, T.N. Jordan, S.C. Weller, F.T. Turpin, Y. Edan, A. Hetzroni, A. Grinstein. 1997. Site-specific sensor for chemical application: hardware and software for multispectral images. ASAE Paper No. 97-3056, ASAE St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Riemer, R., Y. Edan. 1998. 3-D evaluation of robot repeatability. 27th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Haifa, May 19-20: 580-582.
Cohen, O., Y. Edan. 1998. A supervisory control system for an autonomous vehicle. 27th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Haifa, May 19-20: 583-585.
Refaeli, Y. Bek, R., Y. Edan. 1998. Quality control system for an apple packaging house. The Annual Industrial Engineering Conference, Haifa June 2-3 1998 (in Hebrew): 35-39.
Elkabetz, P., Y. Edan. 1998. Simulation model for design and performance evaluation of a selective sprayer, The Annual Industrial Engineering Conference, June 2-3, 1998 (in Hebrew): 229-233.
Morag, I., Y. Edan, E. Maltz. 1998. Decision making system for prediction of concentrated food intake for the individual cow in the dairy farm. The Annual Industrial Engineering Conference, Haifa June 2-3 1998 (in Hebrew): 311-315.
Cohen, O., Y. Edan. 1998. Sensor fusion framework for an autonomous dirt road vehicle. 4th French-Israeli Symposium on Robotics, Besancon, France, May 13-15: 141-145.
Elkabetz, P., Y. Edan, A. Grinstein, H. Pasternak. 1998. Simulation model for evaluation of site-specific sprayer design. ASAE Paper No. 98-1013, ASAE St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Edan, Y., D. Brachrach, A. Avizur. 1999. Greenhouse production management tools. ASAE Paper No. 99-4232, ASAE St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Laykin, S., Y. Edan, V. Alchanatis, R. Regev, F. Gross, J. Grinshpun, E. Bar-Lev, E. Fallik, S. Alkalai. 1999. Development of a quality sorting system using machine vision and impact. ASAE Paper No. 99-3144, ASAE St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Boteach, E., Y. Edan, K. Tanie. 1999. Multi-robot assembly. International Symposium on Manufacturing Robots (ISMR99) in DYCONS.
Cheshin, N., Y. Edan, S. Grinberg. 2000. Implementation of an information system for maintenance in the process industry. Proceedings of the 11th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference: 135-139. Beer Sheva, May 3-4.
Lev-Tov, I., Y. Edan. 2000. A cow weighing information system. Proceedings of the 11th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference: 130-134. Beer Sheva, May 3-4.
Boteach, E., Y. Edan. 2000. Multi-robot assembly. Proceedings of the Annual Mechanical Engineering Conference. Beer Sheva.
Bechar, A., Y. Edan. 2000. Human-robot collaboration for agricultural robot guidance. ASAE Paper No. 00-3135, ASAE St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Bechar, A., Y. Edan, J. Meyer, M. Rotman, L. Friedman. 2000. Human-robot collaboration for melons detection. ASAE Paper No. 00-3143, ASAE St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Laykin, S., V. Alchanatis, Y. Edan. 2000. Image processing algorithms for tomatoes classification. Proceedings of the XIV Memorial CIGR World Conference: 861-866, Tsukuba, Japan.
Berman, S., Y. Edan, M. Jamshidi, 2001, Decentralized Autonomous AGVS for Material Handling, International Conference on Production Research, Praha, August 2001.
Berman, S., Y. Edan, 2001, Navigation Methodology for Decentralized Autonomous AGVs, PRISM Symposium Proceedings, Purdue, USA, August 2001.
Berman, S., Y. Edan. 2002. Decentralized material handling with AGVS. 12th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference: 74-79. Tel Aviv, March 12-13.
Bechar, A., Y. Edan. 2002. Human-robot collaboration in agricultural tasks. 12th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference: 79-83. Tel Aviv, March 12-13.
Wachs, J., U. Kartoun, Y. Edan, H. Stern. 2002. Real-time hand gesture telerobotic system using the fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm. 12th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference: 94-98. Tel Aviv, March 12-13. Received Best paper Student Award.
Cohen, O., E. Shechtman, Y. Edan. 2002. Sensor fusion evaluation. 12th Industrial engineering and Management Conference: 171-176. Tel Aviv, March 12-13.
Mendelson, E., O. Nayer, S. Berman, Y. Edan. 2002. Fuzzy logic behaviour based multi-robot packing system. 12th Industrial Eng. and Management Conference: 176-180. Tel Aviv, March 12-13.
Shriki, D., D. Cohen, Y. Edan, A. Hetzroni. 2002. Information system for spice farm management. 12th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference: 393-397. Tel Aviv, March 12-13.
Hetzroni, A., G. Kashani, S. Bakal, Y. Edan, E. Gelb, Y. Levi. 2002. Internet discussion group for flower growers. Australian Conference on Eng. in Agriculture, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia.
Bechar, A., R. Golan, M. Lutzato, Y. Edan. 2002. Melon Firmness and Shelf Life Prediction. The 8th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture. Kusadasi, Turkey. Pin #: P40.
Berman, S., Y. Edan. 2003. Decentralized Autonomous Automatic Guided Vehicles in Material Handling. Israeli Industrial Engineering Research Meeting (IIERM), 9-16, March, Tel Aviv.
Berman, S., G. Rabinowitz, Y. Edan. 2003. CIM-NEGEV -- a computer integrated manufacturing teaching environment. WFEO/ASEE e-Conference. April.
Laykin, S., V. Alchanatis, Y. Edan. 2003. Classifier Selection for Agricultural Quality Sorting. ASAE Paper No. 03-3050, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Bechar, A., N. Kessler, G. Levi, E. Brand, A Kanigsberg, S. Yosef, S. Netanyahu, Y. Edan. 2003. Improvement of work methods in tomato greenhouses using simulation. ASAE Paper No. 035004. ASAE Annual International Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. July, 2003.
Bechar, A., Y. Edan, J Meyer. 2003. Performance Measurement of Collaborative Human-Robot Target Recognition Systems in Unstructured Environments. Paper no. 0321. The 17th International Conference on Production Research. Blacksburg, Virginia.
Shriki, D., J. Meyer, Y. Edan. 2003. A hand held terminal for data collection in herb farms. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Precision Farming (ECPA), Berlin, Germany, 411-416.
Stern, H., E. Blanc-Baron, Y. Edan. 2003. State-machine based approach for improving robustness in multimodal control. Intl. Symposium on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems, Loganu, Switzerland, 27-29.
Lavi, N. , N. Pliskin, E. Zmora, Y. Edan. 2004. An Automatic Prototype System for Screening Noise Artifacts from Medical Metrics. Proceedings of the 13th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Abstract 54-55, Full on CD (in Hebrew).
Eliav, A., G. Pilch, Y. Edan. 2004. Characterization and implementation of “Ramon”: - IEM_BGU robot for RoboNer contest. Proc. of the 13th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Abstract 86-88, Full on CD (in Hebrew).
Mendelson, E., S. Berman, Y. Edan. 2004. Influence of planning horizon on performance of multi-robot systems. Proc. of the 13th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Abstract 115-116, Full on CD (in Hebrew).
Kartoun U. , H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2004. Virtual Reality Telerobotic System. e-ENGDET 2004 4th International Conference on e-Engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology, Leeds Metropolitan University Yorkshire, UK.
Y. Edan, U. Kartoun, H. Stern. 2004. Cooperative Human-Robot Learning System using a Virtual Reality Telerobotic Interface. Conference on Advances in Internet Technologies and Applications, July 8 - 11, 2004, West Lafayette (Indiana USA).
Kartoun U., H. Stern H., Y. Edan. 2004. Bag Classification Using Support Vector Machines. The 9th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC9).
R. Shneor, S. Berman, Y. Edan. 2004. Fuzzy Dispatching of Automated Guided Vehicles. The 9th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC9).
A. Bechar, D. Dayan, S. Schmilowotch, Y. Moskovitch, Y. Edan. 2005. A pocket PC based platform for agriculture work study measurements. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, June 19-22, Istanbul, Turkey: 269-274.
Bechar, Y. Edan, J. Meyer. 2005. Development of human-robot collaboration methods. Germany-Israel Symposium on Design and Manufacture. Proceedings on Advances in Methods and Systems for Development of Products and Processes, Berlin, Germany, July 6-8, 2005: 203-210.
Eliav, T. Lavie, Y. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2005. Comparing Data Fusion Displays for Human Robot Interfaces. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, June 19-22, Istanbul, Turkey: 561-566.
J. Wachs, H. Stern, Y. Edan, M. Gillam, C. Feied, M. Smith, J. Handler. 2005. A real-time hand gesture system based on evolutionary search. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ‘05), June 2005, Washington, DC, USA.
A. Eliav, T. Lavie, I. Parmet, H. Stern, J. Wachs, Y. Edan. 2005. KISS Human-robot interfaces. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Production Research, July 31-August 4, University of Salerno, Italy. Abstract 120, Full on CD.
Bechar, J. Meyer, Y. Edan. 2005. Influence of operational costs on human-robot performance in target recognition tasks. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Production Research, July 31-August 4, University of Salerno, Italy. Abstract 120, Full on CD.
J. Wachs, H. Stern, Y. Edan, M. Gillam, C. Feied, M. Smith, J. Handler. 2005. A real-time hand gesture interface for medical visualization applications. 10th Online World conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, Sept. 19-Oct. 7.
S. Berman, Y. Edan. 2005. Automatic way-point generation for multi-robot navigation. Workshop on Systems and Intelligent Control. October 14th, 2005 On the Big Island of Hawaii.
Bechar, A., Y. Edan. 2005. Improvement of Work Methods in Pepper Greenhouses. Proceedings of the XXX CIOSTA. Stuttgart, Germany.
Hetzroni, A., Edan, Y., Nagurka, M. 2005. Development and evaluation of icon-based date logging systems for agricultural applications. Paper presented at the International Congress on Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and Environment (ITAFE '05), Adana, Turkey.
Hetzroni, A., Shapira, D., Esquira, I., Edan, Y. 2005. Data capturing in agricultural setting for traceability and management. Paper presented at the 5th conference of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and Environment, Vila Real, Portugal.
Mokomolov, G., R. Cohen, A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2006. Development of an optimization model for improving work methods in tomatoes packing houses. Proceedings of the 14th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, IE & M 2006. Tel-Aviv, Israel. Abstract 120, Full on CD.
Kartoun U., Stern H., Edan Y., Feied C., Handler J., Smith M. and Gillam M. 2005. Collaborative Q(lambda) Reinforcement Learning Algorithm - A Promising Robot Learning Framework. IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications (RA 2005). October 31 - November 2, Cambridge, U.S.A.
Livnat, K., E. Meir, Y. Edan, A. Bechar. 2006. Improving work methods in Safari Sanset packing houses. Proceedings of the 14th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, IE & M 2006. Tel-Aviv, Israel. Abstract 120, Full on CD.
S. Berman, Y. Edan, G. Rabinowitz. 2006. An educational CIM evaluation model based on “hands on” experience. Proceedings of the 14th Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, IE & M 2006. Tel-Aviv, Israel. Abstract 120, Full on CD.
J. Wachs, H. Stern, Y. Edan, M. Gillam, C. Feied, M. Smith, J. Handler. 2006. A Real-Time Hand Gesture Interface for a Medical Image Guided System. 9th Israeli Sym. On Computer-Aided Surgery, Medical Robotics, and Medical Imaging, ISRACAS 2006, May 11, 2006, Petach Tikva, Israel.
J. Wachs, H. Stern, Y. Edan, M. Gillam, C. Feied, M. Smith, J.Handler. 2006. Gestix: A Doctor-Computer Sterile Gesture Interface for Dynamic Environments. 11th Online Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, Sept. 8 – Oct. 6.
J. Wachs, H. Stern, Y. Edan, M. Gillam, C. Feied, M. Smith and J. Handler. 2006. A Real-Time Hand Gesture Interface for a Medical Image Guided System. In the Ninth Israeli Symposium on Computer-Aided Surgery, Medical Robotics, and Medical Imaging, (ISRACAS 2006), May 11, 2006, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel.
Stern, J. Wachs,. Y. Edan. 2006. Optimal hand gesture vocabulary design using pscho-phsyiological and technical factors. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition FG2006: 257-262. Southampton, UK. April 10-12 2006.
Perry, M., O. Sagy, R. Gertner, Y. Edan. 2006. A flexible multi-robot behaviour based packaging system integrated with machine vision (in Hebrew). The 1st Israeli Conference on Robotics – ICR 2006. June 2006, Tel Aviv.
Kartoun, U., H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2006. Human-robot collaborative learning of a bag shaking trajectory. The 1st Israeli Conference on Robotics – ICR 2006. June 2006, Tel Aviv.
Bechar, A., J. Meyer, Y. Edan. 2006. Human-robot collaboration methods for target recognition tasks in unstructured environments. The 1st Israeli Conference on Robotics – ICR 2006. June 2006, Tel Aviv.
Z. Har-Zahav, S. Berman, Y. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2007. Evaluating planning horizon influence in multi-robot work-cells. The 3rd Industrial Engineering Research Meeting. March 2007: 161-168.
Kartoun U., Stern H., Edan Y., Feied C., Handler J., Smith M. and Gillam M. 2006. Use of medical robotics in biothreat situations. 2006 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA 2006). Nov. 11-15, Washington DC. (Poster).
Wachs, J., Stern H., Edan Y., M. Gillam, Feied C., M. Smith, Handler J. 2006. A real-time gesture interface for hands free control of electronic medical records. 2006 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA 2006). Nov. 11-15, Washington DC.
H. Stern, J. Wachs, Y. Edan. 2007. An analytical approach for optimal hand gestures. 7th International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation. GW 2007. 23-25 May 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
J. Wachs, H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2007. Doctor-computer interface using gestures. 7th International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, GW 2007, 23-25 May 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
A. Hetzroni, S.Yosef, D. Shapira, I. Esquira, I. Fraier, E. Zemach, Y. Ackerman, Y. Edan. Cellular Phones for Data Capture in Agricultural Settings. CIGR 2007.
Y. Edan. 2007. Multi robot flexible assembly system. Logistics March-April 2007: 16-18. (in Hebrew).
Bechar, R. Cohen, G Mukomolov, Y. Edan. 2008. A work processes optimization model in tomato packing-houses. Paper No. 2185, Proceedings of the EurAgEng 2008 International Conference, Hersonissos, Greece.
S. Laykin, V. Alchanatis, Y. Edan. 2008. Image processing algorithms for table olives classification. Paper No. 2090, Proceedings of the EurAgEng 2008 International Conference, Hersonissos, Greece.
T. Ram, Y. Edan., I. Parmet, Z. Wiesman, I Parmet, S. Laykin, M. Spivakovsky, P. Shoval, S. Nizry, Z. Wiesman. 2008. Digital Chemo-Optic System for Prediction of Optimal Harvesting Time of Olives: Preliminary results. Paper No. 950, Proceedings of the EurAgEng 2008 International Conference, Hersonissos, Greece.
U. Shaham, Y. Edan. 2008. Classification using Normalized Compression Distance. Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 7-10, 2008, pp.63-69.
J. Wachs, H. Stern, Y. Edan . 2008. A Holistic Framework for Hand Gestures Design. Proceedings of 2nd Annual Visual and Iconic Language Conference. July 21-22, San Diego, CA, 2008, pp. 24-34.
Riemer, R. Ronen, A. Stern, H, Edan, Y. 2008. Evaluation of Physical Stress During Hand Gestures for human Machine Interaction, Proceedings of North American Congress on Biomechanics, August.
A. Golan, M., R. Shporn, Y. Edan. 2009. An Objective Workload Index for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). 2009 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland, May 2-5.
A. Gil, H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2009. A Cognitive Robot Collaborative Reinforcement Learning Algorithm. ICMS 2009 International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, WCSET 2009: World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology Tokyo, Japan. May 27-29, 2009. Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 41, May 2009.
T. ood, I Parmet, Y. Edan, S. Berman. 2009. Evaluating the effect of look-ahead information in dynamic systems. Proceedings of the 4th Israeli Industrial Engineering research meeting IIERM: 188- 130.
R. Berenstein, O. Ben Shahar, A. Shapiro, A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2009. Image processing algorithms for a selective vineyard robotic sprayer. Joint International Agricultural Conference July 2009, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
A. Bechar, T. Lanir, Y. Ruhrberg, Y. Edan. 2009. Improvement of work processes in Gypsophila flowers. Joint International Agricultural Conference July 2009, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
I. Dar, A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2011. An adaptive path classification algorithm for a pepper greenhouse sprayer. ASABE Paper No. 11-11401, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
R. Berenstein, I. Ben Halevi, Y. Edan. 2012. A remote interface for a human-robot cooperative vineyard sprayer. Paper No. 1167, 11th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, July 15-18, Indianapolis, USA.
R. Berenstein, Y. Edan. 2012. Evaluation of Marking Techniques for a Human-Robot Selective Vineyard Sprayer. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, CIGR-AGEN, July 8-12, Valencia, Spain.
A. Bercovich, Y. Edan, V. Alcahantis, Uzi Moallem, Yisrael Parmet, Hen Honig, Ephraim Maltz, A. Antler, I. Halachmi. 2012. Automatic cow’s body condition scoring. CIGR-AGEN Paper no. C0565, July 8-12, Valencia, Spain.
E. Vitzrabin, V. Alchanatis, Y. Edan. 2012. Classification between vegetation and non-vegetation using hyperspectral sensing, CIGR-AGEN, July 8-12, Valencia, Spain.
R. Berenstein, Y. Edan. 2012. Robotic precision spraying methods. ASABE Annual International Meeting Paper No. 1341054, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.
Berenstein, R., Y. Edan. 2012. Human-Robot Cooperative Precision Spraying: Collaboration Levels and Optimization Function. Paper No. 84, SYROCO 2012, 10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 5-7, 2012.
Someshwar, R., Joachim Meyer, Yael Edan. 2012. A Timing Control Model for H-R Synchronization. Paper No. 134, SYROCO 2012, 10th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 5-7, 2012.
Bodiroža, S., Stern, H. I., Hafner, V. V., Edan, Y. 2012. A Diachronic Approach for Human-Humanoid Discourse. Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies, pp. 39-40, Lund, Sweden, 2012.
Adamides, G., R. Bernstein, I. Ben Halevi, Thanasis Hadzilacos, Y. Edan. 2012. User interface design principles for robotics in agriculture: telerobotic navigation and target selection for spraying case study. AFITA WCCA.
Barth, R., Baur, J., Buschmann, T., Edan, Y., Hellström, T., Ringdahl, O., Salinas, C., Vitz-rabin, E. (2014). Using ROS for agricultural robotics - design considerations and experiences. Proceedings RHEA-2014, Madrid, Spain, May 21-23, 2014.
Berenstein R., Ben-Shahar O., Edan Y., Godeša T., Hocevar, M. 2014. Image registration for agricultural sensing tasks. International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Zurich, July 6-10, AgEng 2014: C0677.
Adamides, G., Berenstein, R., Ben-Halevi, I., Hadzilacos, T., Edan, Y. “User interface design principles for robotics in agriculture: The case of telerobotic navigation and target selection for spraying,” In Proceedings of the 8th Asian Conference for Information Technology in Agriculture, vol. 36, 8p, Sep. 2012.
Adamides, G., Christou, G., Katsanos, C., Kostaras N., Xenos, M., Hadzilacos, T., Edan, Y. “A reality-based interaction interface for an agricultural teleoperated robot sprayer”. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Robotics and Associated High-Technologies and Equipment for Agriculture and Forestry (RHEA 2014) New trends in mobile robotics, perception and actuation for agriculture and forestry, pp. 367-376. May 2014.
Elkoby, Zohar, Bert van’t Ooster, Yael Edan. 2014. Simulation Analysis of Sweet Pepper Harvesting Operations. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, pp. 441-448. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014.
Harel, B., P. Kurtser, L. Van Herck, Y. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2016. Sweet pepper maturity evaluation via multiple viewpoints color analyses. CIGR-AGENG 2016. Aarhus, Denmark, 26-29 June 2016.
Ringdahl, O., Kurtser, P., Edan Y. 2017. Evaluation of human-robot collaboration strategies in guidance of a sweet-pepper harvesting robot. The 18th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS) Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK. July 19-21, 2017.
Zemmour, E., Edan, Y. Edan, P. Kurtser. 2017. Dynamic 3D thresholding algorithm for robotic apple detection. The 17th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC 2017). Coimbra, Portugal, April 26-28, 2017.
Harel, B., P. Kurtser, Y. Parmet, Y. Edan. 2017. Sweet pepper maturity evaluation. Advances in Animal Biosciences 8, no. 2 (2017): 167-171. European Conference on Precision Agriculture.
Oppenheim, D., Edan, Y., & Shani, G. 2017. Detecting Tomato Flowers in Greenhouses Using Computer Vision. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, 11(1), 104-109. European Conference on Precision Agriculture.
Harel, B., P. Kurtser, Y. Parmet ,Y. Edan. 2018. Evaluation of machine vision features for separating between immature and mature sweet red peppers. 343rd International Conference on Food and Agricultural Engineering (ICFAE) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 27th-28th February, 2018. Paper ID: IRES-ICFAERIO-27028-6942.
Avioz-Sarig O., Olatunji S., Sarne-Fleischmann V, Edan, Y. 2019. Robotic System for Physical Training of Older Adults. Women in Robotics Workshop (WiRW) V ,Robotics: Science and Systems Conference.
Markfeld, N., Olatunji, S., Gutman, D., Givati, S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., & Edan, Y. (2021). Feedback modalities for a table setting robot assistant for elder care. Quality of Interaction in Socially Assistive Robots (QISAR) Workshop International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR’19) - Madrid, Spain, November 26-29, 2019. Extended abstract.
Abstracts in Conference Proceedings (included lecture/presentation)
Sarig, Y., Y. Edan, N. Katz, T. Flash, I. Shmulevich, and U.M. Peiper. 1988. Some Aspects of robotics for fruit picking. Advanced Robotics - theory and practice - French Israeli Binational Symposium on Robotics. Tel-Aviv, May. Oral presentation.
Edan, Y., P. Grinspan, P, E. Maltz and H. Kahn. 1993. A fuzzy logic expert system for dairy cow transfer between feeding groups. The 19th Israeli Association for Agricultural Engineering Annual Meeting, Zichron Yaakov.
Seginer, I., Y. Edan. 1993. Neural network model for greenhouse climate control. The 19th Israeli Association for Agricultural Engineering Annual Meeting, Zichron Yaakov.
Y. Edan. Systems Engineering of agricultural robot design. The 1993 Operations Research Society of Israel National Meeting, Nahariya.
Rogozin, V., Y. Edan and T. Flash. 1993. Robotic control of dynamic tasks. Presented at the 1993 International Conference on Control Theory and Its Applications, Maale HaChamisha.
Gurevich, I., L. Slutski, Y. Edan. Analysis of remote control processes. Presented at the 3rd French-Israeli Symposium on Robotics, Herzelia, May, 1995.
Halachmi I., Y. Edan, E. Maltz. 1995. Control system for individual dairy cow intake in a research farm. The Israeli Association for Agricultural Engineering.
Edan, Y. 1996. Site-specific application of agricultural chemical. Israel-Hungary Binational Workshop on Environmental Friendly Manufacturing Technologies.
Pasternak, H., Z. Schmilovich, Z., E. Fallik, Y. Edan. 1997. Ridge regression for NIR analysis with multicollinearity. 3rd International Symposium on Sensors in Horticulture, Tiberias, Israel, August 17-21.
Grinshpun, J., Y. Edan, A. Hetzroni. 1997. Development of on-line measurement methods for field implementation of gas sensors for ripeness determination. 3rd Intl. Symposium on Sensors in Horticulture, Tiberias, Israel, August 17-21.
Alchantis, V., A. Hetrzoni, Y. Edan. 1997. A multispectral imaging sensor for site-specific application of chemicals. 3rd International Symposium on Sensors in Horticulture, Tiberias, Israel, August 17-21.
Edan, Y. 1998. Automation in agriculture: Towards the 21st Century. XII Brasilian Automation Congress, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brasil, Sept. 14-18.
Bechar, A., R. Golan, M. Lutzato, Y. Edan. 2003. Firmness Prediction in Melons. Proceedings of The Annual Meeting of the ISAE, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Bechar, A., Y. Edan, J. Meyer. 2004. Optimal Levels of Human-Robot Collaboration for Target Recognition in Unstructured Environments. The 2004 Operations Research Society of Israel National Meeting, Ashkelon.
Bechar, A., D. Dayan, S. Schmilowotch, Y. Moskovitch, Y. Edan. 2005. Development of a work study system in agriculture based on pocket PC platform. Proceedings of The Annual Meeting of The ISAE, Haifa, Israel.
Bechar, A., Y. Edan and J. Meyer. 2006. Human-Robot Collaboration Methods for Target Recognition Tasks in Unstructured Environments. The Israel Conference on Robotics –ICR 2006. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Mokomolov, G., R. Cohen, A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2006. Improving Efficiency of Tomato Packing-houses using simulation and optimization. The Annual International Meeting of the ISAE, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Laykin, S.®, V. Alchanatis, Y. Edan. 2006. Image processing algorithms for tomato classification. Ben-Gurion University Interdisciplinary Vision Day.
Wachs, J.®, H. Stern, Y. Edan. 2006. Non-contact interface for medical visualization. Ben-Gurion University Interdisciplinary Vision Day.
Bechar A®, J. Meyer, Y. Edan. 2007. Optimal collaboration of human integrated systems in unstructured environments. The Annual Meeting of the Israel Society for Agricultural Engineers, Bet-Dagan, Israel.
Riemer, R.®, Ronen, A. Stern, H, Melzer, I, Edan, Y. 2008. Evaluation of physical stress during hand gestures for controlling robots using subjective and objective measurements. Second Israeli Conference of Robotics (ICR2008). November 19-20, Herzelia, Israel.
A. Gil®, H. Stern. Y. Edan. 2008. Second Israeli Conference of Robotics (ICR2008).
H. Ivri-Blum®, A. Ronen, Y. Edan. 2008. Factors affecting operational efficiency in human-robotic systems. Second Israeli Conference of Robotics (ICR2008). November 19-20, Herzelia, Israel.
T. Sobol Shikler®, Y. Edan. 2008. Analysis of affect for human-robot collaboration. Second Israeli Conference of Robotics (ICR2008). November 19-20, Herzelia, Israel.
I. Takach®, A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2008. Dynamic Shifting Between Collaboration Levels of Human-Robot Systems in Target Recognition Tasks. Second Israeli Conference of Robotics (ICR2008). November 19-20, Herzelia, Israel.
D. Yashpe®, A. Bechar, Y. Edan. 2008. Influence of Human Reaction Time in Human-Robot Collaborative Target Recognition Systems. Second Israeli Conference of Robotics (ICR2008). November 19-20, Herzelia, Israel.
Livne L. ®, Y. Edan, A. Bechar. 2010. Design of an Autonomous Spraying Robot for Greenhouse XVIIth World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR), Quebec City, Canada. Paper no. 101012 (abstract only), June 13-17.
Bechar A. ®, A. Livaderu, R. Yerusalmi, A. Rennert, R. Mintz and Edan Y. (2010). Improvement of Work Methods in Fresh Herb Crops. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, ASABE St. Joseph, MI 49085. Paper No. 1009984 (abstract only). June 20-23.
S. Sarid®, A. Shaprio, Y. Edan. 2010. H-MRSTM: Heterogeneous multi robot time competitive motion planning algorithm, performance analysis and simulations. AUVSI-IEEE paper # 215, Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International 1st Israeli conference. Oct. 6, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Tkach, I. ®, Y. Edan, A. Bechar. 2010. Automatic selection of optimal collaboration level of a human-robot system in target recognition tasks. The 3rd Israeli Conference on Robotics –ICR 2010. Herzelia, November 10-11, Israel.
Dar, I. ®, Y. Edan, A. Bechar. 2010. A computer vision algorithm for navigation of an autonomous sprayer in pepper greenhouses. The 3rd Israeli Conference on Robotics –ICR 2010. Herzelia, Israel, November 10-11.
E. Vitzrabin®, V. Alchanatis, Y. Edan. Classification between vegetation and non vegetation using hyperspectral camera. The 3rd Israeli Conference on Robotics –ICR 2010. Herzelia, Israel, November 10-11.
D. Amselem®, E. Onkinan®, R. Bernstein®, Y. Edan. 2010. Row recognition algorithm for an autonomous vineyard sprayer The 3rd Israeli Conference on Robotics –ICR 2010. Herzelia, Israel, November 10-11
Adamides, G., Katsanos, C., Xenos, M., Hadzilacos, T., and Edan, Y. “Heuristic usability evaluation of user interfaces for a semi-autonomous vineyard robot sprayer”. In Proceedings of the Fifth Israeli Conference on Robotics (ICR 2016), 5p, April 2016.
Kurtser, P., Arad, B., Ben-Shahar, O., Bree, M.V., Moonen, J.,Tujil, B.V., Edan, Y. 2016. Robotic data acquisition of sweet pepper images for research and development. Israeli Conference on Robotics, Oral presentation, April 13-14, Herzeliya, Israel.
Ringdahl, O., Kurtser, P., Barth, R., Edan, Y. 2016. Operational flow of an autonomous sweet pepper harvesting robot. Israeli Conference on Robotics, Oral presentation, April 13-14, Herzeliya, Israel.
Harel, B., Kurtser, P., Herck, L.V., Parmet, Y., Edan, Y. 2016. Algorithms and analysis of sweet-pepper color estimation. ABC Sensing: from Minds to Machines Conference, Poster presentation, May 29-June 1, Beer-Sheva Israel.
Harel, B., Kurtser, P., Herck, L.V., Parmet, Y., Edan, Y. 2016. Algorithms and analysis of sweet-pepper color estimation. Abstract and Oral presentation. Israeli Association for Agricultural Engineering Annual Conference, Bet Dagan, Israel. (in Hebrew).
Kurtser, P., Edan, Y. 2016. Viewpoints analyses for sweet pepper detection. ABC Sensing: from Minds to Machines Conference, Poster presentation, May 29-June 1, Beer-Sheva Israel.
Edan, Y. 2016. WORKIT. Abstract and Oral presentation. Israeli Association for Agricultural Engineering Annual Conference, Bet Dagan, Israel. (in Hebrew).
Oppenheim, D., G. Shani, Edan, Y. 2016. Computer vision algorithm for flower detection in greenhouses. Abstract and Oral presentation. Israeli Association for Agricultural Engineering Annual Conference, Bet Dagan, Israel. (in Hebrew).
Edan, Y. 2016. Allocation of fields. Abstract and Oral presentation. Israeli Association for Agricultural Engineering Annual Conference, Bet Dagan, Israel. (in Hebrew).
Cohen, Y., Edan, Y. 2016. Pests monitoring information system. Abstract and Oral presentation. Israeli Association for Agricultural Engineering Annual Conference, Bet Dagan, Israel. (in Hebrew).
Silverman Y., Duvdevani T., Eizicovits D., Tabak I., Edan Y., Levy-Tzedek S. (2017) “The Effect of Robotic Embodiment on Repetitive Task Motivation in Young and Old Populations” The 13th Computational Motor Control Workshop, Beer Sheba, Israel, Mar 2017. Abstract and poster presentation.
Y. Edan, T. Oron-Gilad, V. Fleishmann. 2017. Robotics for aging – HRI aspects. Robotics and Aging track in the MIXiii BIOMED 2017 Conference to be held May 23-25, 2017 in Tel-Aviv, Israel. (Invited Lecture).
HCI Shelly 2018.
Edan, Y. 2018. Robotics in a Digital Agriculture era. Israel-France Symposium on Digital Agriculture, Ministry of Science, Volcani Center, March, Israel. (Invited Lecture).
Edan, Y. Robotics in Agriculture, lecture, WRC 2018, Beijin, China, August 2018.
Edan, Y. 2019. Robotics in a Digital Agriculture era. The 30th Evenari symposium: Digital agriculture for efficient resources utilization. Sde Boker.
Dana Gutman, Noa Markfeld, Samuel Olatunji, Vardit Sarne-Fleischmann, Yael Edan. 2019. Evaluating Fluency in Robot-Assisted Table Setting for Older Adults, Israeli Conference on Robotics.
Avioz-Sarig O., Olatunji S., Sarne-Fleischmann V, Edan, Y. 2019. Robotic System for Physical Training of Older Adults. Israeli Conference on Robotics.